...to choose your own fanlisting title, the fanlisting for the mega-awesome, talented-in-every-way-imaginable actor, Neil Patrick Harris, listed at the fanlistings network under the Actors category.

Neil is probably best known for playing Barney Stinson on How I Met Your Mother (2005-2014) and Doogie Howser on, well, Doogie Howser, M.D. (1989-1993). Other notable film credits include A Million Ways to Die in the West (2014), Gone Girl (2014), the Smurfs movies as well as the Harold and Kumar movies.


Opened: July 6th, 2016
Last updated: February 9th, 2025
Member count: 21 + 0 pending


I chose the name "choose your own fanlisting title" because Neil has a book out titled Choose Your Own Autobiography, which reads as a "choose your own adventure" book, where you are given different options to select, and turn to the appropriately numbered page based on your selection. It's a great (fun, hilarious, creative) read, and so I wanted to name the fanlisting after that. Neil is so many things to so many people, so I thought this way, everyone could kind of pick their own title, so to speak.
choose your own fanlisting title is part of i-heart.net, kinky-turtle.net and thefanlistings.org | x
Please note that I am NOT Neil Patrick Harris, nor do I have any affiliation or contact with him.